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Our Services

See past the cultural etiquette and discover what values and cultural codes lie at the heart of the behaviour of your business partners.

I will teach you the rules of communicating sensitive matters in various cultures and how to ensure that you get across exactly what you are aiming for.

intercultural and transcultural executive management consulting

I will take you straight to the heart of foreign cultures. I will explain the foreign behavioural and value code - quick and to the point, so you can draw all the right conclusions.


Intercultural coaching and counselling tailored precisely to your needs

You are dealing with different cultures simultaneously and you have neither the time nor the nerve to delve into each culture individually. You cannot find anything on the coaching and training market that would meet your specific needs.

Just give me a call. We will find out quickly and straight away what intercultural knowledge is necessary and useful for you in the current situation. Simple and uncomplicated: you describe your situation/challenge - within one to two weeks at the latest we will meet online and I will provide you with the knowledge you desperately need.


Intercultural boutique events for you and your team

You lead a multicultural team and you are looking for culture-sensitive input to help you


  • improve your team's communication and conflict management skills,

  • strengthen the motivation of your multicultural team and

  • make your staff more efficient and resilient - even under difficult conditions.

Analysing your specific team situation, I will develop an intercultural team profile for you and point out solutions to your intercultural team challenges. If you wish, they can be implemented immediately in a transnational team building.


Transnational Communication Workshops:
At home in the entire world

A moment ago it was the colleague from Malmö on the phone - now it's the Chinese or Indian colleagues...     Everyone speaks English, and yet we fail to understand one another.

This is often due to the communication style we have learned since childhood. Communication in the Anglosphere is markedly different from the Central European style of communication, and both of these are markedly different from the Asian, Latin American and Oriental communication styles.

Become able to quickly decode other communication styles and develop a firm grasp on the foreign communication logic and aesthetics. The ability to switch back and forth between communication worlds without much friction is something that can be learned and is of invaluable help in everyday global life.


Lost in Translation?

Share your experiences with us.  We will build bridges that will connect you and your partners in a resilient way.

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© 2024 clear_i & partners


Ortlerstr. 4

71069 Sindelfingen

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